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Anti-DriverPress ReleaseReduced Road Space. Covid-19 As Excuse

Press Release: Anti-Driver Measures Risk Fuelling Future Electoral Meltdown

By 8th November 2020September 12th, 20222 Comments

Despite substantial recent expansion of the cycle network nationwide, there has been no corresponding increase in the uptake of cycling. The ABD is neither in any way opposed to cycle use, nor to the expansion of the cycle network’s capacity – provided that freedom of choice of transport mode is respected; and that any such expansion is not at the expense of road capacity available to motorised road users.

Instead, motorised road users have of late been subjected to substantial urban road capacity cuts through lane narrowings/ subtractions, Local Transport Networks, roadblocks, and a raft of other ill-advised, badly-designed, capacity-strangling anti road transport measures. The spectre of further taxation increases (being completely falsely “spun” as environmentally beneficial) is also hanging in the air.

All these measures have been (or will be) implemented under the manifestly false flags of combatting Covid-19 and sparking economic recovery. Quite how you spark an economic recovery by making people poorer is far beyond the bounds of any rational person’s thought processes…

Despite this not inconsiderable onslaught, drivers have remained grittily and determinedly loyal to their safe, comfortable cars.

There is a controversial viewpoint, heavily promoted and much-parroted by the anti personal mobility lobby, that there is no point in building more roads, as it just creates more traffic. Clearly, however, if significant capacity expansion occurs in a transport mode that only a tiny minority of road users actually want to use, that capacity expansion will inevitably remain massively underutilised. The complete reverse is self-evidently true for motorised road use.

Why does that not tell the minority of counter-consensual politicians behind these measures that their anti-car policies are both unworkable and very unpopular? Someone needs to tell them to “wise-up” pronto, before voters exact richly-deserved electoral vengeance on them, both locally and nationally.


  • James Dowling says:

    Totally agree. If you build more hospitals they will just fill up with patients. But that is a good thing in the same way people using roads at peak times are doing so for important reasons. I was made redundant and had to commute much longer distances, but in doing so I earnt money, paid taxes and did not claim benefits. All good things but often prevented by the difficultly of getting around especially in the South East of England.

  • Al Watt says:

    Dear Friends,

    Thank you again for previously signing the petition to removal the temporary Upper Shoreham Road Pop Up Cycle Lane which happened in January this year.

    The next stage of the consultation for a permanent cycle lane(s) on the Upper Shoreham Road has now been initiated by WSCC with local residents been invited to complete the survey by 1 August.

    Our position as residents on the Upper Shoreham Road is that the cost to build a good quality cycle lane(s) at several millions of pounds does not represent good Value for Money to taxpayers when we know only about 245 cycle journeys a day are recorded on the Upper Shoreham Road (WSCC data counter).

    Such an investment needs to be proportionate to those who would benefit from improved safety for cyclists and some simple traffic calming measures would improve the road for all users at significantly less cost than would be incurred by permanent cycle lanes.

    We are therefore encouraging friends to vote down the plan as it is a poor use of public funds. In the previous consultation from March 2021 improvements to Middle Road was a more popular choice for residents yet this has been largely discounted by WSCC in favour of progressing plans for the Upper Shoreham Road.

    We need to get this project stopped in favour of more worthwhile initiatives like Middle Road and appreciate any further support you can muster. If possible can you help spread the word by forwarding the link below to your friends? This will be our last opportunity to raise opposition to the plans for Upper Shoreham Road so please act before 1 August.

    Many thanks for your continued support.

    USR Action Group

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